Thursday, December 13, 2012

Modernism Week: Fashion Forward, A Vintage Clothing Retrospective

We are proud to announce our next BIG show! It will be our annual Vintage Fashion Show of the year, peep the flyer & save the date! A fashion show you will not want to miss out on during Modernism week.

Tickets $35

Available Today at: 



Event Date: Sunday, February 17, 2013
Start Time:  Doors open 4.30 p.m., show begins at 5 p.m. 

End Time/Duration:  6 p.m.

Location: Horizon Ballroom, Hilton Hotel, 400 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA  92262

Event Description: 

William Miller and Déjà Vu Vintage Finery presents a fully accessorized, highly stylized fashion show featuring the glamorous trends of yesteryear.  The runway will come alive with glimpses into the post-World War II era of Dior’s “New Look”. From the swinging, mini-skirted and shift-dressed 1960s, to the sit-in, bell-bottomed, independent movement of the 1970s and even the shoulder-padded, belted, over-the-top 1980s fashions, these three decades of fashion will delight. Think of Joan Collins as Alexis Carrington. All of the clothing and accessories is vintage and many of the featured  pieces are well-known American and European designers.

Staged and directed by William Miller, the show features custom lighting and specially selected music to enhance each period of clothing coming down the runway.  Mr. Miller narrates the show with no attention to detail left overlooked.  His commentary is both informative and entertaining.

Author, collector and authority on vintage jewelry, Matt Burkholz, of Route 66 West in Palm Springs, will provide carefully chosen jewelry pieces to complement each fashion period.  The very humorous Mr. Burkholz will add commentary to the show and act as co-emcee of the event.

Enjoy a no-host bar.

Special Instructions or Restrictions:  No children under 13

Holiday Fashion Show: BIRBA Recap November 12'

Tis' the season of fun holiday fashion! What better way is there to showcase our latest vintage fashions perfect for this season? By having a Vintage Holiday Fashion Show! We had our first holiday fashion show of the season two weeks ago held at BIRBA in Palm Springs, Ca. 

We thought it was a great way to kick off the holiday spirit with an informal but fun and glamorous holiday fashion show. Birba and their customers enjoyed the fashions and show itself very much. It was all in good spirits, candle lights beaming, a live crowd and a great DJ to set the mood with our vintage fashions. 

The following, are images that I was able to capture during the moment through the informal and very fabulous cat walk. We had a great outcome and many thanks to those who helped participate in this fun event! We are looking forward to more winter nights like these. 

HaPpY HoLiDaYs from Deja Vu Vintage Finery! Xo!